Portugal is located on the west and southwest parts of the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe, and is the westernmost country in continental Europe. 葡萄牙位于欧洲西南利比亚半岛的西南部和西部,是欧洲大陆最西面的国家。
(" Spain "was a geographic term meaning Iberian Peninsula, not the present-day state called Spain). (“西班牙”是个地理术语,指的是伊比利亚半岛,不是今天的西班牙国家)。
Portugal and Spain share the land on the westernmost point of Europe, called the Iberian peninsula. Living so close, they have had a checkered political and cultural history. 葡萄牙与西班牙双双地处欧洲最西部,那里被称为利比里亚半岛。由于相互毗邻的关系,两国的政治文化史有着许多交汇之处。
For example, the Iberian Peninsula has the potential to become a major alternative supply route of gas from across the Atlantic to the rest of Europe. 例如,伊比利亚半岛有可能成为横跨大西洋向欧洲其他地区供应天然气的主要替代供应线路。
When Gibraltar, a British overseas territory on the Iberian Peninsula claimed by Spain, tried to join FIFA, Spain threatened to pull all of its teams including the powerhouses of Barcelona and Real Madrid from the European Champions League and international football. 直布罗陀是英国在伊比利亚半岛的海外领土,西班牙一直声称对其拥有主权。当直布罗陀试图加入FIFA时,西班牙威胁从欧冠联赛和国际比赛中撤回所有西班牙球队,包括巴塞罗那和皇家马德里这样的强队。
While Greece teeters, one of its eurozone peers on the Iberian Peninsula is feeling a tad wobbly too. 希腊一个踉跄,伊比利亚半岛上的另一个欧元区国家也感到了一丝摇晃。
The Iberian Peninsula is in deep distress. 伊比利亚半岛陷入严重困境。
If what you are looking for is an international experience, then make the Iberian Peninsula your next destination and lose yourself in its world of cultures. 你想寻找一趟什么样的国际旅游体验,下一个旅程终点站该是伊比利亚半岛了,你将在这个充满多国情趣和文化氛围的世界中迷失自己&忘情欣赏。
Even though the statement isn't accurate, visitors easily notice many features that make the Iberian Peninsula look and feel different from its neighbors to the north. 尽管这些说法并非准确,但游客们很容易地注意到伊比利亚半岛的北部与相近的邻国看起来有着很多不同的特征。
Some say that Europe stops at the Pyrenees Mountains-the snow-capped mountain range that acts like a natural fence separating France from the Iberian Peninsula. 某些人说;欧洲止于比利牛斯山脉-大雪覆盖着山脉像一道自然的屏障把法国与伊比利亚半岛分隔开来。
Or the Irish, who came from the Iberian Peninsula? 还有来自伊比利亚半岛的爱尔兰人呢?
One of the most unique regions in all of the Iberian Peninsula is Catalonia, Spain, with its own culture, cuisine and language& Catalan. 在伊比利亚半岛最有特色的地区之一,就是西班牙的加泰罗尼亚。她拥有自己的文化,美食和语言&加泰罗尼亚语。
Today, visitors flock to what used to be called "the Iberian Peninsula's best-kept secret"-sunny Portugal. 而今天,大量的旅客蜂拥而至来参观这个被叫做“伊比利亚半岛最高机密”阳光照射中的葡萄牙。
A kingdom in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power. 欧洲西南部一个王国,位于伊比利亚半岛;曾是一个强大的殖民国家。
A shining pearl situated on the Iberian Peninsula along the Mediterranean coast, Parlmera's fame spreads far and wide for its bright sunshine and pleasant scenery. 地中海沿岸伊比利亚半岛上的一颗明珠,以阳光明媚、景色宜人闻名遐迩。
The union of the entire Iberian Peninsula seemed, for the time being, to have been achieved. 整个伊比利亚半岛的统一事业似乎暂获成功。
Spain is one of the ancient countries in Europe and together with her close neighbour Portugal, occupies Iberian peninsula-a vast block of land in the extreme south-west corner of Europe. 西班牙是欧洲一个古老的国家,毗邻葡萄牙,位于欧洲西南角的伊比利亚半岛上。
With the exception of Portugal, the Iberian Peninsula; 他拥有除葡萄牙外的伊比利亚半岛;
Among the people who mainly contributed to the development of enology in the island, are remembered the ones coming from the Aegean sea and from the Iberian peninsula. 其中主要贡献的人谁在酿酒岛的发展,是想起了来自朝鲜半岛的爱琴海和伊比利亚。
To the east, the Byzantine Empire is fractured and relatively vulnerable, and there's ample opportunity to take advantage of the chaos on the Iberian peninsula to the west. 向东,拜占庭帝分裂而孱弱,向西,伊比利亚半岛的混乱提供了很好的乘虚而入的机会。
We bring you a fantastic itinerary that will lead you to the Iberian Peninsula. 我们为您设计了伊比利亚半岛的奇幻路线。
Rock-Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula 伊比利亚半岛上的地中海盆地岩画